Human knowledge is never contained in one person.

Paul Kalinithy

Khalid Saqr, Ph.D.

Founder, KNOWDYN

Award winning fluid dynamicist, professor, and venture builder. Khalid discovered non-Kolmogorov turbulence in human circulation, founded Bio-CFD (2020), and was named in Stanford University’s List of the World’s Top 2% Scientists in 2023.


Maria Sundell, M.D.

Co-founder, DeScience Fund

Maria is a neurology specialist at the Karolinska University Hospital, creator of the Brain Observations podcast, and an emerging entrepreneur with a solid vision to bridge modern clinical practice and meta-concepts of cognitive neurology.


David Koepsell, Ph.D.

Co-founder, DeScience Fund

David Koepsell is an American philosopher, professor, bestselling author, entrepreneur (EncrypGen), and attorney known for his work in ethics, technology, and intellectual property law.


Steven Coogan, M.Sc.


Steve is A successful founder with 4 startups under his belt, 1 exit. Steve is a UCL and Harvard management and entrepreneurship graduate.


Sherif Rashad, MD Ph.D.

Life Science Advisor

Sherif is a neuroscience professor at Tohoku University, Japan, where he conducts research on cellular biology and developing next-generation gene-therapies for brain cancer and neurodegenerative disease.