Verihum Protocol

Biometric Proof-of-Humanity Infrastructure for Scientific Research

Verihum Protocol is an innovative project that aims to establish the world’s first biometric proof-of-humanity infrastructure for scientific research based on IoT and blockchain technology. The protocol offers a unique and secure method of verifying human identities and ensuring the authenticity of research data on the blockchain.

Identity theft and fraud are rampant in the scientific research industry, leading to significant financial losses for institutions and individuals. In 2020, it was estimated that the global financial losses due to identity theft and fraud amounted to $16.9 billion, with scientists being one of the most targeted groups. Traditional methods of identity verification such as usernames and passwords are no longer sufficient to protect against identity theft, fraud, and cyberattacks in the research environment. As a result, there is an urgent need for a more secure and reliable method of identity verification that can provide a high level of trust and security for scientific research.

Verihum Protocol aims to solve this problem by creating a biometric proof-of-humanity infrastructure for scientific research based on IoT and blockchain technology. The protocol uses biometric data such as facial recognition and fingerprint scanning to verify the identity of researchers. This data is securely stored on the blockchain, ensuring that it cannot be tampered with or altered.

Verihum Protocol also utilizes IoT devices such as smartwatches and fitness trackers to collect and analyze data to verify the identity of researchers. This provides an additional layer of security and ensures that only legitimate researchers can access research data on the blockchain.

By implementing the Verihum Protocol, scientific institutions can save significant amounts of money by reducing the risk of identity theft and fraud. In fact, it is estimated that the global economic cost of cybercrime is expected to reach $10.5 trillion annually by 2025. The protocol’s secure and reliable method of identity verification can lead to increased funding and investment opportunities, as it ensures the authenticity and reliability of research data. In addition, Verihum Protocol can create new economic opportunities by providing a platform for innovative research and development in various fields.

For more information about the Verihum Protocol, contact us.